Fyra dagar som skakade Sverige - Midsommarkrisen 1941
Fyra dagar som skakade Sverige - Midsommarkrisen 1941
8.3/10 by 3 users
At dawn on June 22, 1941, Germany invaded the Soviet Union. On the same morning, Germany demanded permission from the Swedish government to transport 18,000 German soldiers from Norway to Finland across Sweden by railway. This was a difficult problem for the Swedish government. On one hand remaining friendly with Germany at the height of its power, on the other maintaining a strict neutrality. The Swedish cabinet meet in Stockholm to decide upon the best reply to the German demands.
Released Jan 03, 1988
Runtime 1h 36min
Genre Documentary
Actor Ernst-Hugo Järegård, Sven Lindberg, Helge Skoog
Director Olle Häger
Production SVT