Dumb-bells in Ermine
Dumb-bells in Ermine
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In a small town in Virginia, Faith Corey, daughter of a socially prominent family, meets and falls in love with Jerry Malone, a prizefighter, though her straitlaced mother wants her to marry Siegfried, a spellbinding "missionary reformer." Though Grandma Corey promotes the romance with the prizefighter, Mike, the fighter's hardboiled, wisecracking manager, tries to keep them apart; following a quarrel, Faith reconciles herself to marrying Siegfried, but when he invites a group of "weak sisters" to a revival meeting, he is disgraced when one accuses him of her downfall. Finally, with Mike's advice, Jerry wins back Faith and they are united with the family's blessings.
Released May 10, 1930
Runtime 1h 10min
Genre Comedy, Romance
Actor Robert Armstrong, Barbara Kent, Beryl Mercer
Director John G. Adolfi
Production N/A